The Quartz Crystal Microbalance
A quartz crystal vibrating in a shear mode at its resonant frequency is commonly used as a sensitive mass sensor and is referred to as a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) for this reason. In its quantitative rheometric mode the technique provides the shear modulus at a fixed frequency of 15 MHz, and the viscoelastic phase angle at this same frequency. The fixed frequency mechanical information obtained from the QCM also provides two added advantages: it allows properties to be measured at extremely high precision and allows one to measure changes in physical properties in the time domain as a function of external conditions. Using this technique we are able to study viscoelastic behavior associated with glass transition, curing, oxidation, and swelling of polymers. The QCM can provide viscoelastic properties in liquid environments as well, making it a complementary technique to more traditional approaches for studying hydrogels and biomaterials. The simultaneous mass transfer information is perfect for analyzing uptake/release of molecules from the material.
While the QCM is a versatile mechanical characterization instrument, its capabilities have not been fully explored by the polymer science community yet. Our group has worked extensively over the past decade to develop the analysis required to make this technology accessible to casual users. Below you will find resources on how to correctly perform experiments, analyze data, and characterize novel materials using this approach.
Example Sample Preparation for the QCM
Do you have questions about what the data from a QCM experiment look like or how to prepare samples? Check out the video portion of an article from the Journal of Visual Experiments (JoVE) discussing the sample preparation and some analysis of the resulting QCM data from collagen adsorption and polyelectrolyte swelling experiments.
QCM Resources
Click on the image above to download the MATLAB GUI to interactively analyze data obtained from QCM-D instruments to solve for the areal mass, shear modulus, and phase angle. Details on how to use the software are provided in the GitHub Read Me file.

Python GUI
To analyze your QCM data using a Python based program, click on the image above to find the RheoQCM GUI that has been developed by Dr. Shull and Dr. Wang. The program has the ability to connect with the vector network analyzer to collect and analyze data from QCM experiments. For information about the necessary software and Python packages, see the ReadMe file.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
QCM related publications
Technique and experimental development:
Gwen E dePolo, Emily Schafer, Kazi Sadman, Jonathan Rivnay, and Kenneth R Shull “Sample Preparation in Quartz Crystal Microbalance Measurements of Protein Adsorption and Polymer Mechanics.” JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 155 2020: e60584.
DeNolf, Garret C., Lauren F. Sturdy, and Kenneth R. Shull. “High-Frequency Rheological Characterization of Homogeneous Polymer Films with the Quartz Crystal Microbalance.” Langmuir 30, no. 32 (2014): 9731-9740.
Martin, Elizabeth J., Mathew T. Mathew, and Kenneth R. Shull. “Viscoelastic Properties of Electrochemically Deposited Protein/Metal Complexes.” Langmuir 31, no. 13 (2015): 4008-4017.
Kazi Sadman, Clinton G. Wiener, R. A. Weiss, Christopher C. White, Kenneth R Shull, and Bryan D. Vogt “Quantitative Rheometry of Thin Soft Materials using the Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D)”, Anal. Chem. 2018, 90(6), 4079–4088.
Examples of QCM experiments:
Sturdy, L. F., Yee, A., Casadio, F. & Shull, K. R. Quantitative characterization of alkyd cure kinetics with the quartz crystal microbalance. Polymer 103, 387–396 (2016).
Kazi Sadman, Qifeng Wang, Shawn H Chen, David Efim Delgado, and Kenneth R Shull, “pH Controlled Electrochemical Deposition of Polyelectrolyte Complex Films“, Langmuir, 33(8), 1834-1844 (2017).
Kazi Sadman. Qifeng Wang, Yaoyao Chen, Bavand Keshavarz, Zhang Jiang, Kenneth R. Shull, “Influence of Hydrophobicity on Polyelectrolyte Complexation”, Macromolecules, 50(23), 9417-9426 (2017).
C. Joshua Yeh, Michael Hu, and Kenneth R. Shull “Oxygen Inhibition of Radical Polymerizations Investigated with the Rheometric Quartz Crystal Microbalance”, Macromolecules, 2018, 51(15), 5511-5518.